Automotive Leather Repairs
We undertake automotive leather repairs on both modern and classic cars, from bolster wear to complete restoration whatever your leather problem we will have a repair solution for you. Our service technicians offer a mobile service coming to you to undertake the work at your home or place of work.
Case Study
Here we have a classic car interior when the client purchased the car noticed that someone had attempted a Diy leather repair by changing the colour from Cream to Red, our customer wanted the interior returned back to cream.

Here we have one of the seats prior to any work being undertaken, as you can see the dye has been applied extremely thick causing the leather to crease and crack, we have to start by removing all of the old colours so we can see what condition the leather is in before we can undertake any repairs or even think about changing the colour back to its original colour.

When have started to clean back in one area to show you the original colour which lays beneath the thick coated red dye, it currently shows that the leather is in extremely good condition and most probably will not need any leather repairs just a straightforward colour change. We continue to keep removing red dye from the seats, our task is to remove as much of the red dye as possible before we are able to even think of adding the new colour, some service providers would just start to recolour over the top of the current colour, you have to be sure that this is removed the preparation is key for a lasting restoration.

Here we show one of the chairs with most of the old dye fully removed, this is a long process but a vital process. When the old leather dye has been removed we can then look at prepping the leather, we would start by rubbing the leather back using a 400 get sandpaper this allows for a good key for the new dye to be applied because this is a very old leather we then apply an adhesion promotor to the leather, this is applied by hand making sure we get into the grain, this adds structure to any of the loose fibres on the seats and adds extra strength to the leather when we apply the leather dye.

We then start to apply the new leather dye, the first coat is applied by hand again making sure we reach the grain and pleated areas, each coat of leather dye is dry off using a hair dryer to speed up the curing process as we go, this allows us to keep working on the leather at every stage.
Now for the fun part, we start applying the leather with an airbrush, we apply very fine even coats building up in even coats, and between each coat, we apply the hair dryer drying each coat, this process is repeated until we are happy with the desired result.
The seats are now fully restored so we apply three even coats of top coat sealant which seals in the work which leaves for a harder finish, the seats now look like they should do.

We do offer onsite repairs on a daily basis to surface scratches, cigarette burns, and worn seat bolsters right down to general cleaning, if you have a leather problem please get in touch for a free no obligation quotation.
We have a gallery page where you can view some of our work, please browse through so you can see what we can achieve for you and your leather.
Looking for a Diy Kit?
We have teamed up with Professional Leather Ltd to offer you the very best of Leather Cleaning and Leather Restoration products in the Uk, all their cleaners and repair products are made here
in the UK and are in stock for immediate next-day delivery. Diy repairs do not have to be costly Professional Leather has made their DIY kits affordable for the DIY user, these are the same products we use daily in the trade.
Use our discount code: pro5 to receive a discount on any of their products.
They have clear instructions on how to use each and every product is used and how to achieve the best results on your leather restoration, if a DIY kit is not for you give us a call and we can arrange for a service technician to undertake the repairs on your behalf.